Thursday, June 23, 2005

Allahoma Saly Ala Muhammed afdala salatin wa salim tasleema

I cannot come near to finding words to express my sadness. I stumbled on a blog of a guy who seems to be from the Shee'ah Wallaho a'alam! From those who say La Illaha Illa ALLAH ALI Habeebo Allah

The way he spoke of Prophet Muhammed (Allahoma SalyAleih) was so ….I just can't find the words to describe his words… I can’t even get myself to say Allah yahdeeh, although I should. May Allah forgive me.

I feel we need to have more solidarity as Moslems, to be able to settle our differences, to be a true one body as the Prophet encouraged us to be. To want for one another what we truly want for ourselves.

What happened ya Ummet Mohammed? What happened to the love and solidarity Allah and His prophet encouraged us to work for and are expecting from us till we die? Why do we have so many differences although Kalimat Ullah (the word Of ALLAH) is one and clear? And the Prophet did nothing but encourage for beautiful things?

But what makes me tell myself to be calm, is I know that Islam will rise in strength, it shall flourish. Nothing will alter that no matter what who says.

I only wonder, will I live to see that day? Only ALLAH knows. Even if I don't I know it will happen Insha'Allah. The will Of ALLAH shall prevail.

Oh ALLAH, give us strength to have strong and unchangeable Faith, Oh ALLAH help us to help ourselves to be able to help others. OH ALLAH, shed light into our hearts and minds.
Ameen. Ameen.. Ameen...


Blogger Dalulla said...

اذا فمحمد النبى المعصوم كما يدعون قد خشى الناس اكثر من خالقهم ! (عمل حساب للناس اكتر من ربنا). ليس هذا فقط و انما هناك سورة كاملة كما اوضح رشاد تبين لنا ان محمد اهتم برجل غنى و تجاهل الرجل الفقير الاعمى! و ذلك فى سورة 80 عبس.

this, amongst many other things you wrote

هنا ملاحظة هامة، فابليس يريد ان يعبده الناس و يطيعوه طاعة عمياء (الطاعة المطلقة لا تجوز الا لله وحده) و لكن لانه لا يستطيع ان يتمثل ماديا امامنا فهو ياتى متخفيا تحت اسماء مختلفة، فمرة ينتحل شخصية عيسى و مرة مريم و مرة نجم سينما و مرة فى صورة محمد ذلك لكى يصرف الناس عن الله.

Who said that Satan can come in the form of Prophet muhammed???

I am sorry to think u r from the Shi3a..maybe not.. I wrote seems Wallaho A3lam.

And I am sorry to say, but ALLAH HIMSELF ordered us to follow Him and Prophet Muhammed..Prophet Muhammed's teachings were inspired by instructions from ALLAH via Gibreal 3alihi al salam.

Please re-read what you wrote in all of your posts again Ahmad..

12:02 PM, June 23, 2005  
Blogger Dalulla said...

I can quote many other things you wrote, but i can't get myself to read them again.. They are just indescribably unacceptable.

I am with you that it is wrong to idolize a Prophet.. But the way you refer to the prophet is just not appropriate..Showing respect has nothing to do with idolizing him, and who told u muslims forgot About Prophet Ibrahim??

I have a question for u. What do You personally say in your prayers in the shahada?
I assume u do pray..

12:10 PM, June 23, 2005  
Blogger Dalulla said...

I stumbled on a blog of a guy who seems to be from the Shee'ah Wallaho a'alam! From those who say La Illaha Illa ALLAH ALI Habeebo Allah.

I suggest you re-read this sentence again. No generalisations occured.

Any yes, i do agree Hassan Nasr ALLAH is someone to look up to.

4:32 PM, June 23, 2005  
Blogger Dalulla said...

Ahmed, please forgive me, but i am not new to Islam. What you are saying is quite absurd. What do you mean the hadeeth are in total contradiction to the Quraan? What do you mean Iblis developed the hadeeth in the name of Prphet Muhammed (ASA)? Who says generally all moslems idoiolize Prphet Muhammed to get closer to AlLAH.. A MOSLEM needs no intermediate to reach to ALLAH..WE HAVE THE PRAYERS and Duaa for that.

If i may add, why didn't you answer my question about what you personally say in your prayers in the shahada?

4:37 PM, June 23, 2005  
Blogger Dalulla said...

Ahmad, you still haven't answered my quesstion.. Why won't you just answer if u really are convinced of the method of performing your "ENTIRE" Salat, from begining till the tashahud.. and then the tasleem.

By the way, I went to that link about the salaat,and sadly i saw the shahada.. I was not too shocked because i saw it coming. I may dare say, again... your cup is half full. If this is the way you pray, then again, i may dare say it is INCOMPLETE.. The first pillar of Islam is Shadadat an la Illaha Illa ALLAH (Wa7daho la shareeka lah) and that Muhammad (Allahoma Saly 3aleih) is rasoulo ALLAH..

What makes u think that saying that makes prophet Muhammed Idolized? La hawla wala quwata illa bellah..

I have another question for u, how many verses in the Quraan itself say that we must follow what Prophet Muhammed has taught us, Said Jazaho ALLAHO KHAYRAN (on your blog comments) mentioned so many verses including which are, just as a reminder

" من يطع الرسول فقد اطاع الله ومن تولى فما ارسلناك عليهم حفيظا" (80 النساء

" واقيموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة واطيعوا الرسول لعلكم ترحمون" 56 النور

" يا ايها الذين آمنوا اطيعوا الله واطيعوا الرسول ولا تبطلوا اعمالكم " 33 محمد

" وما آتاكم الرسول فخذوه وما نهاكم عنه فانتهوا واتقوا الله ان الله شديد العقاب " 7 الحشر

Ahmed, Please do not do this to yourself, you have obviously been mislead to a great extent.. go back to the right path before it is too late. Your own name is after the prophet, you sign it each time in your own free will! Why then haven't you changed it if you feel You want to have nothing to do with him?

Think straight ALLAH yahdeek, it is never too late to change your path. As long as AllAH chooses to keep us alive, then we have a chance, Take it, do not blind fold yourself like that.

I'll tell you what, and try it just for a while, when you pray, say the complete shahada, and in your sujoud Ask Allah to enlighten you.. To show you what is right and what will please Him, because i am sure you want to please HIM AND NONE BUT HIM. WE ALL DO.. And do a salat istikhara. Just for a while..

Please clear your mind and start over again. I am sure ALLAH will shed light into your heart to find the correct path. ALLAH KAREEM and loves us all.

I also believe SAID is not writing all what he writes out of apathy, but i am sure he is doing all this effort to try to bring you back to some common sense. Please do not feel offended at what i am writing to you, but simply, Man lam yahtam bi amr al moslemeen falaysa menhom. We are all moslems, we all need to be strong together.. to unite under the same beleif so that we be amongst the ones whom Allah is pleased with.

Please think calmly and try to do as i requested from you.. At the end of the day, we all get judged by ALLAH seperately, no one will be responsible for the other.. May ALLAH help us all. Ameen.

10:35 PM, June 23, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

salamo alikom

well i didnt full read the post buy what iwant to say ya ahmed is that we ARE not supposed to go and judge prohet Mohamed PPBUH in his behaviors and think he did mistakes or he didnt

why dont we bother ourselves by what Allah ordered us by (and i belive from what u say is that u are a muslim) and we should obey God orders
(to obey him and the prophet) and there a versus states , is that the prophet says things not from his own,

well ya ahmed , our prohet mentioned his close friends in a hadith , in a way that we feel that we should not approach them in a wrong way , the words were by what it means that

ok so i guess ya ahmed we will be much better if we can just bother ourslves by ourselves and think in how to obey God and the prophet and think of how to gain God's love and the prohet who will يشغع for us ISA in the judgement day

i guess guys there should be more respect when we talk about our prohet , we are not idolizing him like what christians did with prohet EISa ,

christian extended their believe that they think the prohet is God but we believe that prohet Mohamed is but a prophet and he is the last messenger and we should follow his message ISa

we know surat 3bay we t3la , but why again are you bothering your self with this , why dont you thiink of your self shewya and think of what we can do and how to improve from ourselves in the light of quran and sunna to be better and we deserve God's love

we should even to pray on him , every time we pray him once , God prays on us ten times , ps. God's prayer is mercy on us , see how God gave our prohet a very high and honour rank

and as dalia said rabena yehdeena and yeghfer lena gamee3an and ya RAb he would lead us to what he likes in action and words ISA forever

11:28 PM, June 23, 2005  
Blogger doshar said...

ahmad, what you are saying does not make sense. i mean what you said on your original post on your own blog. simply you are taking parts of the quran and interpreting them as you wish and not mentioning others.

God gave the Prophet Mohamed alot of praise in the Quran, i am sure you have read alot about it.
what is your point of your post really?
you want to follow quran and not hadith?

well just follow all of the quran, and if you do you will have to listen to what the prophet tells you because it is what the quran says , walla eh ya ahmad?

is there anything that the Prophet told us to do that contradicts with quuran?

again i tell you, what is your point and aim of this post?

we do not worship mohamed PBUH, we worship God, and through this worship we obey the Prophet PBUH!!!

when we go to madina el monawara, we visit the tomb but we don't ask the prophet for anything, we ask God.

read all of the quran please

and think again about what you are saying. there is so much to answer what you are saying that i wouldn't know whwere to begin, but there are actually some very good comments on your site from someone else

God have mercy on all of us

12:11 AM, June 24, 2005  
Blogger Dalulla said...

Alsalamo alikom all...
This will be very brief as unfortunately i am travelling and unfortunately at a very bad time. but i couldn't just walk away without leaving a comment.

Ahmed.. What is this thing with idol worshipping that you keep mentioning?

It seems that you really do not understand how most proper "following" muslims function and maybe this is what mislead you in the first place.. there are certain moslems worldwide who do happen to have fallen in shirk by resorting to Awleyaa and that sort of thing..

I will try to log on from where ever it is i will be becasue this is very important to me.. I mean the ongoing subject. "Man lam yahtam be amr al moslemeen falyasa menhom"

I am growing more and more concerned about you and whomever thinks like you, i pray not many because as Ahmed ElSaeed mentioned..Islam is be kheir.. I know it is.

Ahmad, i am not trying to be offensive towards you, Walathy nafsy beyadih (ALLAH)(As Prophet Muhammed always said) I am concerned.

Why don't u want to understand? If you had properly read what i wrote to you earlier (which i do not think you have) and also what the others Jazahom ALLAHO KHAYRAN wrote, you would have not wrote what you have..

I asked u to simply just give it a try? What do you have to loose? And again, you still haven't answered my questions to you.. WHy ? I believe you can't get yourself to say it forward.. why... Again "I think" because down deep inside you are unable to say it..

For the last time, we do not idolize Prophet proper Moslem does, and that is the case with the majority of proper Muslim practicers.

When any prophet is mentioned we say 3aliyhi al salam..who says we do not show respect towrads them????

2:00 PM, June 24, 2005  
Blogger K Khan said...

The colour of the text on this blog makes it unreadable. Why don't you change it a bit?

11:53 AM, June 27, 2005  
Blogger Dalulla said...

alsalamo alikom all, ya Shop |Girl (H)..menawara.. Jazaki Allaho Khayran.. May ALLAH Yethabetna kolena 3al Eiman... ALLAHOMA AMEEN

1:46 AM, June 29, 2005  
Blogger Dalulla said...

Alsalamo aLikom,
Excuse my "ignorance" but Who is this messenger of the covenant, Rashad Khalifa ???

1:48 AM, June 29, 2005  
Blogger K Khan said...

assalaamu alaikum

I don't know if the book is still in print, but it is a good refutation of Mr Khalifa's number 19 theory.

2:49 PM, June 29, 2005  
Blogger Sowhat said...

hey there ..

well sorry to bbe off topic .. but can you plz investigate before cliaming that nay one is sheie or from any other party !!! am from a country where both shea and Sunna worship one God Allah and talk highly about our prophet Mohammed ( allahom saly ala mohammad wo al amohammed ) .. i think if you want to correct ppl it will be beter corrcting your self first .. if you want to know more about she'a and how they are talking about the prophet why dont you just visit their sites ?? or read their books if you want .. that would make our islam flourish one day not by fighting with each other .. sorry for the "off topic" thingie

2:18 AM, June 30, 2005  
Blogger Dalulla said...

I am sorry to say this, but you are following something so far from logic.. The ineterpretations of Rashad are clearly tailored to his convenince or Allaho a3lam for what and why..

But i suggest we close this subject here. We are all getting no where with u and your claims (or so to speak facts) are unacceptable for Most proper practicing and believing moslems..

I do not mean to be rude, but This is going to far..At least where i am concerned.. I will not tolerate any of this here any more. Prophe MUHAMMED (ALLAHOMA SALY 3ALEIH) is not to be taken in vain like this. (oh and again, i do not and nor do any of the people here i believe idolize him)

I believe in Allah as a one GOD and that Prophet Muhammad (ALLAHOMA SALY 3aLEIH is the final prophet sent to mankind to fulfill God's commandments to his creation every where. And believing in the hadeeth is essential for any moslem.

I told u here before what i think, about trying to pray with the "PROPER FULL SHADA" for at least a little while.. U chose not to, khalas.. your choice, your akhera. Most of us have strong convictions about Prophet Mohammed (ALLAHOM SALY 3ALEIH).. I was just concerned for you.. I cannot force you to do something u do not wish to.. But all the stuff you wrote so far is just not convincing, I am sorry, but not even logical.

You are obviously not reading the Quraan properly..taking what you want and discarding what you want, or what Rashad wanted.. Even that was mentioned in the Quraan "ato2menoun beba3d al kitab, wa takfroun be ba3d?"

Ahmad, take care, you are taking an extremely wrong direction.

May AlLAH guide u and those astray, and guide us too to what will help us in our akhra Insha'ALLAH.

5:52 PM, June 30, 2005  
Blogger Dalulla said...

alsalamo alikom
I only mentioned the ones that say la illaha illa ALLAH ali habeeb Ullah.. I have nothing against any one as long as there is utter respect for God and Prophet Muhammed.. I was commenting about Ahmad992 posts .. never spoke of anyone in general except for those saying or believing in what i wrote here and in my post.

THere is one sect amongst 12 others (i think 12) of the shi3a who say that the wa7y was supposed to be for Sayedna Ali karam Allaho wajhah.. correct me if i am wrong please.

this is a known fact ... commonly known about this particular sect of the shji3a (certainly not all) I do not generalize, and what proves it is i wrote "who seems to be from the Shee'ah Wallaho a'alam! From those who say La Illaha Illa ALLAH ALI Habeebo Allah" and in all cases Ahmad says he is not amongst those too!!

Allah yahdeena all.

6:07 PM, June 30, 2005  
Blogger Sowhat said...

Well yes you are totally right !!! this is what commonly known but did you try to read about it !!! this crap about Jibreel (3alayhi al salam ) had mistaken ( asthaghfer allah ) and gave the wa7y to Ali instead of Mohammed ( allahoma sally 3ala mohammad wo al mohammed ) is wholly crap and it is not mentioned by ANY MUSLIM .. cause it is clear and simple our shahada says that Ashado inna la elah illa allah wo inna mohammadan rasol allah .. and that would apply to both she3a and sunna .. sister i really don blame you abotu what you are saying cause this is really commonly said .. i am living in a coutnry right now and they are muslims but nither sunni or she3i they call them self abathya .. if you read about them is she3i or sunni books you would find they reffer them as " khawarej " BUT if you want the trut juist go to read their books jusst as what i did .. i mean they dont type their books to spread lies but they talk to educate the younger generation about their party ..

few things to make it clear .. she3a do not idiolize Ali ..
She3a Do not belive that Ali is a prophet .. he is only a ameer mo2meneen ..
And She3a belive of shahada same as sunni ..

and i really liked you blog by the way :)

keep it up iti s nice to find ppl with faith around u :)

10:52 PM, July 01, 2005  
Blogger Dalulla said...

Alsalamo alikom sowhat.. :-)

Sorry i didn't get the last bit of your first paragraph.. I do not understand now, i am confused. Can u please tell me of a site i can go to and read more about what u mentioned. I would really like to understand the different sects of Shi3a and know the differences they have..
but again, isn't there a sect that do say that alwa7y was mistakenly given to Prophet Muhammed (Allahom Saly 3aleih) ? and another sect that do say the Shahada complet but add "alioun Walyo Allah".

I am really curious to know.. would u please help me out here.

I am glad you like my blog.. It makes me happy to feel some people find it interesting.. I love Allah and Prophet Muhammed (Allahoma Saly was salem 3aeih) and all his prophets more than you can imagine, especially that my hedaya was after very difficult times..

It was like a person wondering in a desert, so thirsty for even a drop of water, but since ALLah (azawajal) is so generous and merciful, he showered me to end my thirst, but i still need to work on thanking Him. I pray i die with His blessings rather than anger. Not only me, but all muslims every where.

Jazaka /Jazaky Allaho Khayran for your kind words.

12:22 AM, July 03, 2005  
Blogger Sowhat said...

well i never saved them so i have to search by i know they do have alot of sites .. and i repeat as i do know from all the she3a around me here in kuwait , oman , and all the gulf area and also the iraqis she3a and persian she3a that they really respect Mohammed Alahoma sally 3ala mohammad wo al mohammed .. and they never say that jibreel had mistken .. but i dont blame you cause this is what is said about them for decades and our problem is we dont read others book !!

am happy for you sister that you find it in the difficult way that would make your faith stronger and stronger , and i would like to say the same thing happend with me :)

and be sure that i would defend some one who is talking bad about our prophet ..

regardign the sites i will try to find some for you cause i read what am saying from their books after elongated discussion with them ..

finally am your brother not your sister :)

thanks alot for keeping your brain open and thanks alot for the nice words and trully i like your blog i went throught all the archive :)

5:32 PM, July 03, 2005  
Blogger Sowhat said...

and sory i didnt comment about the shahada part .. this is also wrong the shahada for a muslim ( she3i , sunni , abathi whatsoever ) is only Ash'had ana la ellah illa alah wo ash'had ana mohammadan rassol allah "

5:34 PM, July 03, 2005  

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