Saturday, July 15, 2006

Out of proportion as usual

Well, well well!!! What a “not” surprise. Mr. Bush is using the veto in order not to condemn israeli attacks on Lebanon… This man does not cease to marvel me! nor do the israelis, and last but not least, sadly, nor do the Arab leaders cowardly behavior either!!!
Anything out of proportion will never shock me. It is just typical israeli attitude... We got used to their injustice and over reactions. We got used to their and their allies nonsense and injustice..
But God is just and fair... That is what counts at the end.

What is there to say to the insensible of this world?


Blogger doshar said...

wallahi ya dodo this has become too much...

really.. begad mish adra...too much...

rabbena kebeer

9:17 PM, July 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

assalamu alaikum

Muslims were living
من الحيط للحيط و يا ربي السترة

the last couple of generations got away living in this style and this lead to the ummah falling deeper and deeper into sleep.

Everything from Allah is khair and this instability and escelating chaos in the ummah can be nothing but khair. Ukhti, with instability comes change. If there is anything I have learned it is that this ummah will never wake up until it gets slapped across the face really hard. If war doesn't come then change will never come and people will keep on saying "yallah ma3lesh, 2sh nesawi". Soon inshallah people will realise that this laid back attitude will lead to nothing, nay, it will make things even worse. So alhamdullilah for everything. The deeper we fall the closer our victory will be inshallah. We have the strength, the men and the women, we have resources and lands, all what we need is to fall deep enough so that this ummah will finally wake up and take its full potential.


10:14 PM, July 16, 2006  
Blogger Id it is said...

The world has really become a lot harder to comprehend; all the meaningless violence that we see all around, and the world is but a bystander. Can any rational human being explain this apathy.
As for Mr. Bush, he's sending humanitarian aid to Lebanon on the one hand and selling 'bunker buster' missiles to Israel! He wants the show to go on...I guess. And so do we...committed voyuers to this carnage!

12:37 AM, July 29, 2006  
Blogger Dalulla said...

Abdul Rahman, al kheir (goodness) comes from Allah, but evil and badness are our doings... We need to really start praying hard that Allah changes our heads of state, or get gathered and remove them some how. The only one i see with true dignity is Hassan Nasr Allah now. He is the type of leader we all need ... a man who fears non but Allah. All u said was write about having the resources, but no one is putting them into action in the proper manner.. no one is investing them.. Our problem is our heads of state ya Abdul Rahman.

id it is,

U said it all dear.. U said it. I just do not get it how the American people do not see that. Why is it that we all see it and they don't?

He does want they show to go o id, he does, it is all pre-planned. They both want to occupy and take control of the Middle East.

12:40 PM, July 30, 2006  

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