Thursday, May 25, 2006


This pregnancy is worrying me from day one… I do have faith in God, but now I am beginning to feel that I need to strengthen it… I have been under so much stress ever since I got pregnant. The stress is more above the normal levels of stress I usually go through, or in other words, more concentrated and in higher doses!

I do not mind stress, I always know it comes and goes, it is part of life. the problem is, every time I get stressed I fear for the baby in excess. The reason being that I cannot control the level of stress any more and that is what really bothers me.
I can only pray nothing affects this new life I am carrying within me (AMEEN AMEEN AMEEN), and the other thing is I am trying my best to stay away from it all, but it has not been working at all for the past couple of months.
Now is the time I really wish I could have been able to travel and have nothing to do with anyone!


Blogger Me said...

So sorry to hear that Dalulla... but I know and am sure your faith is strong ... so inshAllah God will help you through these times... don't you worry at all ya gameela ... stay strong and call me whenever you feel you need to :)

5:00 PM, May 25, 2006  
Blogger Dalulla said...

Jazaki Allaho Khayran Ya Me ya gameela... Wallahi ya me I have so much faith in Allah and I know He always wants us well. Maho that is the problem... the evil comes from human doings... yala. Rabena kareem and He knows all.

The stress does continue however, as i write these lines... Bas bardo I will always say Alhamd Lillah, what else can I do... ya rab always make us strong to accept what comes our way and to handle it with patience and strength... Ameen I wil definitely call u isa ya gameela.. hope u are well

5:08 AM, May 27, 2006  
Blogger Just Jane said...

I know it is easier said then done, but it is imperitive that you relax. The hormones that stress releases into your body are not good for your baby. Now is the time to lean on friends and gather up as much help for yourself as possible. I do hope you are able to calm yourself soon and that you can lay back and enjoy this pregnancy. My love to you.

3:51 PM, May 29, 2006  
Blogger Dalulla said...

Jane... yes my dear easier said than done, but I myslef cannot believe the amount of stress i am being exposed to... no matter how far i want to be from it all, it still chases me and it catches up with me too!!

I am aware of the toxins released in the body as a result to stress and that is precisly what is worrying me. Each day i do not wonder how my baby is growing, I am concerned if there are heartbeats or not! Can u imagine how worrying and disturbing that is to me.

God is merciful and kind Jane, I am always asking Him in prayer to protect this little one in His own way. God knows I don't want this stress, but if he put me to it, Insha'Allah He will get me through it... I am trying to be optimistic, but i do worry and nothing comforts me except for an every now and then check up with an ultrasound showing me how the baby is doing.

8:07 PM, May 29, 2006  

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