Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Fear none my young one

There there my child,
Fear not the sounds of the missiles
Fear not the sounds of the tanks
Fear not the sounds of terror
Fear not death
For if we die we shall flee fear
We shall flee bigotry and insanity
We shall be between the kind hands of Allah
We shall be in a lovely place away from here
Only when we die, we shall die honorably
We shall be examples for those we leave behind
We shall be the marks of history
Marks showing how cowardly the powerful can be
We shall die with no blood on our hands
We shall die clean and pure
They think they have power? No, they have none
They are a disgrace!
Be strong my young one, be brave
Hold on to me tight
Do not give in to fright
Allah is holding you with me
We have no guns to defend ourselves we have more though
We have our faith in Allah
He shall send us beautiful angels to carry us away
Away from bigotry and insanity
Fear none my young one, fear none.


Blogger doshar said...

dalulla is this your own poetry? it certainly sounds like you alot. very nice. talk to you later ISA

2:11 PM, August 11, 2006  
Blogger Dalulla said...

these are my feelings, those are the feelings i will embed in my own children... Our children must grow up to fear none but Allah, to know that there are hostile nations and peoples.. to understand that in the case our turn comes, not to fear but to be brave and have faith... to know that even if death knocks their door they must pray instead of panic.. and that is why they must grow up to love Allah and fear none but him.. They must grow up to respect all humanity regardless of color or religion.. to be generous and to be loving towards mankind, to be the better ones and never to be offensors... To be the last to raise a hand to fight... To love peace and hate war... they must grow to want for others what they want for themselves regardless of all the injustice we witness around us... This world is but a short journey... what will count is our after life... Allah yahdeena all.

10:50 AM, August 15, 2006  
Blogger Dalulla said...

forgot to add something.. They must also learn that yes, for sure they be the last to fight or begin war, but if it is inevitible, then to be fearless and to fight relentlessly provided they respect the laws of clean fights till the last bit of energy they can spare...

10:53 AM, August 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deep feelings!

1:41 PM, August 17, 2006  

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