Sunday, July 24, 2005

Peace Be on "ALL" mankind, be they near or far!

I believe that with the current insecurities we are all living, it is now that we need to really streangthen ourselves. We need to strengthen one another despite all the negative incidents. We must try to work harder on becoming better people, and begin to really look around. We all matter. We could all make a difference. No one should think within a confined limit or boundary. It is this negative, self centered or unconfident attitude towards the "self" that made the people of this world become so distant.

Insecurities, chaos, and apathies have arisen and became the current result. If there was solidarity, if there was care and consideration amongst people, if there was unity there would have been more peace. We need to work on both our minds and hearts. We need to relate to strong and pure faith. We need to go back to the teachings of Allah and his messenger. We need to properly understand and correct the misconceptions about religion. We need to educate ourselves and those who are unable to gain proper knowledge and understandings of the true essences and teachings of Islam.

Islam is innocent from actions such as mass killings of innocent people no matter what religion they follow. Those who use the word Jihad as their excuse for their terrorist actions, where killing innocent people are concerned do not really understand what they are doing, and have no clue what the consequences will be when they are judged by ALLAH. Jihad only applies when you are in a state of war or self defense, and Jihad has many forms and rules.

When you are in an occupied land like Palestine, Jihad is totally understandable. But what I don't understand is the bombings in Cairo a couple of months ago and earlier, Taba, and now Sharm El Sheikh, and I sure don't understand the ones in London and many more.

The terrorism should wake us all up. It should not break us or scare us. It sure should not make us feel ashamed of being Moslem, rather, we should confidently enlighten those who are not Moslems and do not know Islam that it doesn't approve or accept by any means mass murders like the ones taking place now.

We must stand up for these gruesome minds in every way possible! Islam is a religion of Love and Peace. The least example is the way Moslems are encouraged to greet one another and others.
We are to say Al Salamo Alikom (PEACE BE ON YOU). That alone says a lot about Islam and its goals and aims!


Blogger The Sandmonkey said...

11:49 AM, July 24, 2005  
Blogger Twosret said...


Excellent post, this is the Islam I know from my best friends this is the message people all over the world should here.

I'm Christian and I can relate to the Islam you talk about. The world has gone mad and I have no doubt that the terrorists are not Muslims, they are anything but Muslims.

We need more of you in this world. Please feel free to give us your input.


5:27 AM, July 25, 2005  
Blogger doshar said...

thanx dalulla.

believe me i am sure torror has awakened alot of us up. it has made us really start thinking about a lot of things. it is the putting it into actions that might be problematic. time.. everything takes times dalulla. getting back on the right track takes time.. especially when we are talking about the whole islamic nation and not jst an indivisual. but i really think we might be getting there. i hope and pray for that.

we have our share of mistakes as an islamic nations (no fault in Islam, just in us , the ones who are not applying it properly). we have been apatheitc to a lot of issues that we were not supposed to be. we have fought amongst each other over trivial and petty things. we have diviated from the path i believe. we have become like the ones who dance on the stairs, caught between the western civilization that we have been so trying to win over and be like, and between our own identity as muslims and now we have accomplished neither.

i hope there is an awakening in the islamic world. maybe this thing would lead to better islamic education now that it is apparent that some people can go brainwash some young muslims, turn them into terrorists and they think this is islam because no one else taught them better.

and i don't think most people in the world think of Islam as non peaceful. most people know that this is not Islam. btw, interseting post at loulou about Islam and peace.

2:14 PM, July 25, 2005  
Blogger Dalulla said...

I am glad my message got through to someone who is not Muslim. I am glad that you understand what Islam calls for, Peace. Bloodshed is by no means an means for Islam to flourish. Islam calls for healing rather than wounding, for understanding rather than disagreement, it calls for compassion and care, it calls for unity amongst all people no matter what religion they choose to follow since it is a relationship between the creator and his creation.

But i somehow feel they could be people with no religion at all! Or maybe ignorant people who fell for some God knows what type of organization making efforts to destroy the image of Islam.

Islam is Innocent of all this, God's will will prevail!

It is a shame, they lost so much and anyone who chooses their way will also in turn be a great looser.

In the holy Quraan there are verses that say that one who kills an innocent soul is like one who kills all mankind and one who revives on is like one who has revived all mankind.

Jihad has so many rules and conditions. We are by no means in a state where we need to shed blood or harm innocent people. They stabbed people in their backs. Only cowards sneak in the dark and kill without putting a fair fight! Besides even if they dislike a certain system or are aginst it, this is by no means the way to resolve the issue!

Only in a true war, where you are in a state of self defense are you allowed to resort to tactics to win your fight. In the Quraan Moslems are ordered by God not start resolving issues with war, they start with peace talks and resort to all methods to resolve issues without blood shed. Only if attacked or obiviously will be, u can then put up a fight!

conclusion is, twosret, i am glad to have read what u wrote. I would just like to add, i feel it wasn't only directed to me, but to all true moslems who understand what Islam calls for. I Pray we all live in peace always insha'Allah. We must all work for it.

3:20 AM, July 27, 2005  

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