Monday, October 10, 2005

Palestinian Resistence Shall Continue

I have been provided with a link from a relative of mine, and was told I might be interested.

As a matter of fact its contents were very similar to a famous Egyptian Neurologist and psychiatrist opinion of the human bombers in "Palestine". Many Scholars have differed on the opinion whilst many more agreed that they are martyrs since they are in a state of war and self defense. Also a respected Egyptian Neurologist and psychiatrist explained why they are true martyrs. Dr. Adel Sadiq May his soul rest in peace. He provided answers from books he studied in the United States of America, and questioned one thing. How could this material be taught and yet contradicted at the same time by American Officials? What he spoke of is what you shall read in the post to follow, only written by the human bomb herself.

This is the opinion I personally totally agree to, that of the scholars who are in favor of what the human bombers of Palestine are doing and that of Dr. Sadiq's .

I wanted to share it with you readers. Regardless of being Arab and Moslem, being Free and living with dignity is the reason why I have decided to publish the post to follow.

A letter written by a Human bomb herself, Hujayra al 'Arabi. It was also very similar to other women bombers video taped messages.

I look up to these people. I look up to those who live and die with dignity and freedom. I look up to those who will do anything to free their land of the Zionists' occupation to Palestine. Palestine will go back to its people eventually. And even if it doesn't soon, they shall never stop doing what they can to free their lands and gain them back.

It is worth mentioning that Zionists are truly cowards in my and many other people's opinions. They are not even compatible with the Palestinians in this war for freedom. They deny them weapons while they have heavy machinery. And yet are unable to stop the resistance, and live in fear. And will continue to live in fear as long as they choose to remain as they are… Theives!

The reason being, the Palestinians are justified. The Palestinians Have what the Zionists don't have. They have Faith in God and dignity. And they are not thieves.


Blogger I am that I am said...

Hello Dalulla,

I'm Terry,
I wanted to ask you,
do you think Allah made all life?

If you do, then what I wanted to know was do you think if Allah made all life that it is okay with Allah if we for any reason (grounded or not) choose to destroy that life?
If the answer is yes, what I was wondering then is would you say that the action of taking life, whether, Hindu, Jain, Christain Muslim, atheist, Buddhist or Jewish is reflective of the nature of Allah in his mercifulness?

Because I do not believe that killing has anything to do with Allah.
How can two wrongs ever make a right, even though innocent people are persecuted by and through the lack of justice and mercy in the world, still can more violence ever create peace and freedom and justice on Earth in all humans,
my opinion is that it never will.

I do believe in the Prophets.
I believe in what Isaiah said, and seeing as how Mohamed recognised Jesus as prophet I imagine that Mohamed recognised and respected Isaiah too, if this is the case it means he agreed with Isaiah, Mohamed didn't believe in what manbkind made of these people/prophets, but he recognised Jesus, therefore it seems to me, Mohamed would have also recognised that there will never be an end to unnecessary suffering if the solutions are sought in ignorance of violence, the answers will come through using kindness towards all and reflecting the love of Allah by being in action the same as him, forgiving, understanding, loving, merciful.
So I am sorry, but no matter what happened to those bombers, no matter how many injustices against them, to make them get the way they become and turn to violence, they will not be in any heaven that way. Ever.
Nor will any soldier, from whichever side there is no excuse for cruelty.
To go and do the same wrong as you are getting from others, (that you know is wrong of them to be doing to you), is to do and be worse than the ones who hurt you with their selfishness and cruelty in the first place. Because they were ignorant but you are not.


Isaiah said only with soft will we overcome hard,

so not through violence, but through kindness and love.

11:37 AM, November 14, 2005  

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