Friday, July 29, 2005

Lost meanings

I just read a post at Roora's and Doshar's that stimulated me to write this.

Why is it so difficult to say "sorry"? Why is it so difficult to admit that we did wrong? Actually admitting to a fault or a wrong doing and wanting to mend it is the first step to bettering oneself and making a difference in people's lives and thereby in society!

Altering meanings seems to have become something normal in society. I feel this altering has lead to the loss of so many essences in life.

So many people suffer because of the loss of these true meanings. Why not go back to the true meaning of things rather than this superficial big lie everyone seems to have gullibly taken up and actually let it take over? I personally never let society affect me. If I am not hurting anyone then there is nothing to worry about. Right?

I personally suffered for a while when I tried to consider what society thinks. That was why I felt I should stop feeling that way. There must be something wrong. I sure did not have a very easy time, but I made a point, at least with myself. I never hurt anyone, on the contrary was hurt by people. Strange enough now when I think about it, I believe more and more that what I believed in and still do was and is the right thing (at least where I am concerned).

A couple of things I would like to give examples of. Equality between women and men. In certain societies a man is allowed certain things while a woman no. I always found this awkward, since in Islam for instance, a woman is no different than a man, in the eyes of God that is, except in some instances which are quite understandable and logical, but this is not the area of discussion I want to deal with now.

Some examples that are on my mind now are for instance:

Divorce. Society views a divorced man as normal, while a woman always fears the way society will judge her or view her as a divorcee. I never understood and will never understand this bit.
Being opinionated and having a strong character. Some men do not like such a woman. Some do, but sometimes after getting married, they change their minds and do not like their wives to be so anymore.
Being independent. Some men fear getting involved with an independent woman
Friendships between males and females. A man can have as many female friends and not have a bad reputation or is still accepted by society (even if some of these relationships are not decent), while if a woman does (I mean clean and decent friendships of course), she is a …. I would like to also ask, why is it that if a man has an affair with some one he is not married to and a woman does the same, she is called a slut and he isn’t? Whilst in the Quraan they are treated equally. They both shall receive the same punishment… Opps! I forgot, society again! Society gives excuses to a man but not to a woman!

So many things I really find agonizing and frustrating. God gives certain regulations, and societies simply altered them!

The issue of "women's rights" has been allegedly been introduced by the west, whilst in fact It was originally something given by Islam (where the Moslem societies are concerned). Allah and His Prophet revered women to a great extent. A woman's role was very important at the time of the prophet. In the Arabian societies before Islam came, during the period of Jaheleya, a woman was treated with insignificance and disrespect as if she were of no significantvalue. Quraanic verses and Prophet Muhammed (Allahoma saly 3aleih) gave women respect and honored them. They were given rights.

So how can society deprive or lessen these rights? And why are the westerners always thinking that they are the ones who originated this so called women's rights issue? In western societies women did not have so many rights as it seems to many people, they had to fight for their rights which had no origin or record anywhere in their society. Even in the Bible, Geneses, Eve was said to have temped Adam to eat from the apple after being tempted by the serpent?!

In the Qurann, Adam and Eve were both responsible for their doings, which was again something amongst many that society tampered with due to simple ignorance since the verse in the Quraan was quite clear about. Thank God many scholars are now stressing on it to the Moslems in order that they change this strange understanding or belief about Eve being the reason for Adam and her being sent down to earth instead of living in Heaven.

Women in the west were not treated any better than ones in the Arab world. Many examples here but will give only one. In the Islamic Sharee3a (Laws according to Islam), when a woman is about to get married, there is a minimal dowry and certain conditions that a man has to abide with when marrying her. In the text of words said during the marriage ceremony there are certain things that a man and woman are obliged to abide with according to the Sunna (Prophet Muhammed Allahoma saly 3aleih's practices). If they haven't been practiced, then that is again the fault of society and not the core of Islamic teachings. A woman is to be treated with care, respect, justice and tenderness. These were briefly the teachings of Prophet Muhammed (Allahoma saly 3aleih). If she were to get divorced, there are also many conditions of respected attitudes a man is obliged to fulfill towards his divorcee and kids if any.

Again, what has society done with that? What have the new (man made laws, which almost have nothing relevant from Sharee3a) done? The more people drift from the core teachings, the more injustice and chaos will take place.

Man made laws and chosen beliefs have ruined so many teachings in Islam! Islam is and always will be innocent from who ever was responsible for this to happen. I am also pretty sure; God will have a very good say and action with those who altered His Laws and orders.

So many non Moslems think Islam is a tough and difficult religion to follow. I would just like to say, I have lived my life in two ways. I lived the easy going life without fully abiding to Islamic teachings and another where I am now and God willing will continue to live by the Islamic teachings and conducts of behavior.

First I thought I was happy and free. But since I started really trying to go in depth in Islam, and am trying to abide with as much of it as I can, I feel much more comfort and peace. It is not as difficult as many people think it is. I was living in an illusion i thought was "happiness" whilst I never encountered the peace I have now.

The only thing I haven't changed is my view towards society. I only stick to what Islam tells me, not to what society wants. To stick to Islamic conducts and teachings, is to be in peace, it is to be a fair and considerate person which I believe at the end of the day should keep us to a great extent in peace with people who are rational enough to also apply and understand what Islam teaches.

However those who do not like the following might have a problem:

1) Honesty in terms of dealings or sayings
2) Justice
3) Peace
4) Love
5) Care
6) Strength
7) Good will
8) Modesty
9) Cooperation
10) Respect for oneself and others
11) Hospitality
12) Equality
13) Tolerance amongst all people and all ethnicities and religions

Etc, name it (any good trait that may come to your mind), Islam orders its followers to apply it!


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