Friday, September 02, 2005

I Feel Thankful

I've been given links from my dentist some time back to a couple of blogs that were not shocking especially after I had and still have encounters with ones I already came across for myself, and not to mention people I sometimes meet and talk to in person, but thank God are very few. Regardless of who's they were (honestly I felt it was even a waste of time reading the posts) they really did earn my personal sympathy. I say this because I pity them from God's wrath. God is so merciful and kind, but if people insist on defying his orders, then so be it, they will have brought it onto themselves, but unfortunately only after it is too late, unless they refrain from those awkward thoughts and beliefs. (afa la tata3kiloun? Do you not reason? Words out of the Quraan). What is interesting is the Quraan and Prophet Muhammed mentioned such people. Sub7an Allah what is there that we haven't been told by God. So many current beliefs have been mentioned in the Quraan, and some more also mentioned and conveyed by prophet Muhammed (Allahoma Saly 3aleih), that there shall came a time when a person hanging on to their religion shall be like one who holds onto a burning pebble. I sure pray to be one of those, I think I am trying my best (I hope so) and I do know there are people around me who do the same and even much better, and I am thankful for that. Sure wouldn't want to be directly surrounded by strays.
YES STRAYS is the only way I can define those who argue with basics of clear commands and standards of belief. Very obsitinate people, Allah yahdina all. Even those were mentioned in the Quraan, Sub7an Allah, and we were told of them by Prophet Muhammed (Allahoma Saly 3aleih). Al Hamd lillahi al lathy mann 3alina bel hedaya, wama kouna linahtadya illa an hadana Allah. This blogging business has in fact strengthened me religiously speaking. Sub7an Allah. The effect is miraculous. I always believed things happen for a good reason. God has been and is kind to me and to all people. Only if people would know the amount of Love He has for us, they would not have been so ungrateful and followed their personal desires in the manner prevailing now. I wish it stopped at that, because then there would have been no problem because it would have been a one to one problem (creation and Creator). The problem is, instead of people just saying we are not able to abide with this or that, they deny, argue, and also invent! How creative! And not only that also, they manage to mock those who do actually try to abide with certain religious conducts ordered by Allah and His Prophet. Moreover, describe them as blind followers or ignorant and so forth. Those people seem to think they are "the intellects" of society. Very strange, I would say. If they had been true intellects and "know it all" then at least Quraanic verses would have knocked some sense into their brains! Too bad it is their inevitable loss.

Allahoma Zidna 3ilman wa Iman kama tou7eb watarda, Ameen. (Oh Allah increase our knowledge and faith in the manner that would please you, Amen)
Shocking isn't it, this human weakness and never ending search for excuses to abandon obligations and duties… I pray God for strength and increase of Iman, I pray for him to help me and all people to stay on the right path, I pray that even if we fall into sin, that we be given a chance to repent before it is too late.
Allahoma Ighfir li wa lel nas ajma3een, wahdina wahdy man dal. Allahomma La taj3al fi koulbina zarata kibr. Ameen Ameen Ameen
(I pray for forgiveness for me and for all mankind, I pray for guidance for me and for those who went astray, I pray that Allah remove any particle of arrogance in our hearts…Amen Amen Amen)


Blogger S A J Shirazi said...

I join you in your prayer. BTW, what a nice image of Aya Karima you have at the top of the post.

6:24 AM, September 03, 2005  
Blogger Dalulla said...

I pray all the Moslems join together on a large Scale. Thank you Shirazi. The way the aya is diplayed is so beautiful not to mention the words and the meanings ofcourse.. The words of Allah jal wa 3ala..
I am glad u found it nice.

fahmak tab3an we ma3ak fe kol kelma. Bas ghasb 3ani baz3al 3ala el nas elly beytouho doul. I feel real sorry for them wallahi ya Ahmad.

I fear for them from God's anger and punishment. No matter how much they feel i am annoying or irritating, is not what matters to me. I am more concerned about what will become of them if the Angel of death comes and takes their souls. It will be too late. No one knows when or how they will die. I pray we all die while doing something to please God and to weigh in our mizan of hasanaat rather than say2at.

Allah yahdeena all insha'Allah.

2:44 AM, September 04, 2005  
Blogger Nour said...

Amen..Amen dear sister..

This blogging buisness bardo, same as u, made me start thinking abt religion with the likes of ppl u mentioned, after I've seen many many "strange" mentalities, which may be strange only from my pt. of view.. but still, they ARE WAAAY Strange..

W rabena yehdy ISA..

11:01 PM, September 04, 2005  
Blogger Me said...

"It is not required of thee (O Messenger), to set them on the right path, but Allah sets on the right path whom He pleaseth. Whatever of good ye give benefits your own souls, and ye shall only do so seeking the "Face" of Allah. Whatever good ye give, shall be rendered back to you, and ye shall not Be dealt with unjustly." Al Baqarah : 272

Don't you worry ya Dalulla :-)

2:32 PM, September 07, 2005  
Blogger Me said...

Forgot to also say

"It is true thou wilt not be able to guide every one, whom thou lovest; but Allah guides those whom He will and He knows best those who receive guidance." Al Qasas : 56

(Translations if both verses from YUSUFALI)

2:38 PM, September 07, 2005  
Blogger Dalulla said...

I believe every thing happens for a reason. God does not put us in situations in vain. Sometimes for the sake of strengthening us, sometimes to test us? Actually it is all a test. I pray we all score isa in the book of God.
Ya rab yehdeena kolena, ya rab ye7abebna all fe ba3d.

Quraan has a miraculous effect. Rabena yeg3alo fi mizan hasanatek. You always write in reference to it and it comforts so much.

The verse you mentioned in surat el baqra means not that God chooses people according to who he simply wants to guide, but those who seek this guidance as well. God gives asbab, causes reasons and people to wake people up in genereal. But He really answers to those who say between them and God that they are strays and need His guidance. Then, God really showers them with what they need in abundance. Many people do not understand this verse ya Me. We all stray sometimes, but what we should do is ask God to help us overcome this weakness and loss of track.

Where i am concerned. Maybe it is just that there came a time when i had no one to tell me where to go or what to do, but in the midst of all that I somehow always had this awarness and love for God. I kept asking on and off for his help and after some time He was answering my calls but i hadn't realized. The minute i did, it made a great difference. My problem is i feel so bad for people who are strays but won't admit it, without noticing i get this sense of responsibility that i need to pull them out one way or the other. I fear for people too much. Maybe it is a phobia. I fear God's wrath. We all sin, but it is variable. When i feel it is serious i just can't help it. And we were told to help one another. but some people do not understand and sometimes for a reason or the other feel so offended. yala ma3lesh. Allah yaheena all.

3:24 PM, September 07, 2005  

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